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单位:东北石油大学     作者:阚凤岩,张培培,郭慧芳     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-04-26

摘 要:文章以专业理论知识与实际案例相结合的方法与步骤,分析了创意思维与创意方法在现代家具设计中的应用。希望启发大家在学习创意思维与创意方法的同时,如何利用该方法结合实际家具进行创造。以期满足现代人的生活需求,对现代家具设计提供一定的参考。


中图分类号:TS664 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This paper analyzes the application of creative thinking and creative methods in modern furniture design by combining professional theoretical knowledge with practical cases. I hope to inspire you to learn the theoretical knowledge of creative thinking and methods, and at the same time, how to make systematic use of the methods and steps of the theory to create in combination with the actual situation, In order to meet the living needs of modern people, to provide some reference for modern furniture design..

Key Words:Creative thinking; creative method; modern furniture design; application