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单位:沈阳大学     作者:戚楠,关佳征     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-05-27

摘 要:如今人们对艺术与科学的关系研究愈发热烈,将艺术与科学融合也是社会发展的一项重大举措。通信及信息系统是近年来的热门研究项目,文章结合多个案例分析艺术设计与通信及信息系统之间的关系。最后总结出艺术设计与通信及信息系统在发展过程中可以相互配合,达到相得益彰的效果,以期为科学与艺术的研究提供重要的理论依据。


中图分类号:J0 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Nowadays, the research on the relationship between art and science is becoming more and more heated, and the integration of art and science is also a major measure of social development. Communication and information system is a hot research project in this year. This paper combines several cases to analyze the relationship between art design and communication and information system. Finally, it concludes that art design and communication and information system can cooperate with each other in the development process, and can complement each other, which provides an important theoretical basis for the research of science and art.

Key Words:Art design; Communication and information system; Relationship