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单位:山东建筑大学     作者:曲振波,王继禹     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-05-27

摘 要:虚拟现实(Virtual Reality,以下简称VR)技术作为新兴技术拥有很大的可开发利用的空间,特别是将VR技术运用到教学领域之中。在数控机床教学中应用VR技术可以有效地降低培训所需的成本以及培训中发生危险的概率。文章首先阐述了虚拟现实技术及数控机床教学现状相关内容,其次明确了虚拟现实技术在数控机床教学中的应用意义,最后提出了虚拟现实技术在数控机床教学中的应用思路。通过本文的研究,以期利用VR技术的优势增加数控机床教学的多样性。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Virtual reality (Virtual Reality, hereinafter referred to as VR) technology as an emerging technology has a large space for development and utilization, especially the application of VR technology to the teaching field. The application of VR technology in the teaching of CNC machine tools can effectively reduce the required for training, the cost of training, and the probability of danger during training. The article first expounds the related content of virtual reality technology and the teaching status of CNC machine tools. Secondly, it clarifies the application significance of virtual reality technology in the teaching of CNC machine tools. Finally, it puts forward the application ideas of virtual reality technology in the teaching of CNC machine tools. Through the research of this article, we hope to use the advantages of VR technology to increase the diversity of CNC machine tool teaching.

Key Words:Virtual reality technology; CNC machine tool; teaching; application