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单位:东南大学 佳...     作者:李德君,徐晓杰,刘卉      来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-05-27

摘 要:明式家具以其优美洗练的样式、科学精巧的结构、典雅质朴的装饰和顺乎自然的用材,无不体现着中华民族造物系统的实用与精神的双重追求。从符号学能指/所指理论可以确定明式家具具有完备的符号体系,可以应用符号学进行研究;同时,明式家具结构符号以榫卯符号和构件符号为主,进而揭示出榫卯符号、抹头与攒框构件符号呈现出了实用功能与精神审美结合的艺术美学特征。从符号学能指/所指理论来洞察并阐释明式家具结构美学的内涵,是对明式家具传统美学意蕴的全新考察,将有利于我国传统造物美学系统地阐释与发展,充实中国传统美学体系。


中图分类号:J525 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Ming-style furniture, with its beautiful and refined style, scientific and delicate structure, elegant and simple decoration and naturalistic use of materials, reflects the dual pursuit of practicality and spirituality of the Chinese system of making things. From the semiotic Signifier/Signified theory, it can be determined that Ming-style furniture has a complete symbol system and can be studied using semiotics; at the same time, the structural symbols of Ming-style furniture are dominated by mortise and tenon symbols and component symbols, which in turn reveal that mortise and tenon symbols and the symbols of wiping heads and saving frames present an artistic and aesthetic combination of practical function and spiritual aesthetics. Understanding and explaining the connotation of the structural aesthetics of Ming-style furniture from the semiotics signifier/signified theory to is a brand-new investigation of the connotation of the traditional aesthetics of Ming-style furniture, which will be beneficial to the interpretation and development of our traditional aesthetic system of creation and enrich the Chinese traditional aesthetic system. 

Key Words:Semiology; Signifier/Signified; Ming Dynasty Furniture; Structural aesthetics