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单位:四川师范大学...     作者: 金磊磊     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-05-28

摘 要:数字化时代下,数字媒体艺术设计迅速发展,其所表现出的内容越来越丰富,表现元素也越来越多元化,中国元素也频繁地出现在了数字媒体设计领域之中。本文首先分析了中国元素以及数字媒体艺术设计相关内容,其次探讨了中国元素在数字媒体艺术设计中的应用意义,总结归纳了中国元素在数字媒体艺术设计中的应用思路。通过本文的研究,以期为数字媒体艺术设计提供更多的思路。


中图分类号:TP37 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In the digital age, digital media art design is developing rapidly. The content it exhibits is becoming more and more abundant, and the elements of expression are becoming more and more diversified. Chinese elements also frequently appear in the field of digital media design. This article first analyzes the Chinese elements and related content of digital media art design, and then discusses the significance of the application of Chinese elements in digital media art design, and summarizes the application ideas of Chinese elements in digital media art design. Through the research of this article, we hope to provide more ideas for digital media art design.

Key Words:Chinese Elements; Digital Media Art Design; Application; Ideas