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单位:广东东软学院...     作者:吴兵娥,苏镁玲     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-05-28

摘 要:利是封是春节期间必不可少的年俗物品,“派利是”是自中国古代以来延续的传统,其礼虽小,却蕴含着送礼者的心意和祝福。本文通过分析利是封设计的发展现状,对利是封设计提出新构想,阐述羊城新八景元素在利是封设计上的运用流程,使利是封设计具有更多的现代气息并突显地方城市特色,一定程度上带动了广州景点文化的宣传,提升了广州的城市形象和国际地位。以期通过设计应用,进一步探索现代新兴事物与传统年俗产品设计结合的可行性。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Red envelope is an essential annual custom during the Spring Festival. "Handing out red envelop" is a tradition continued since ancient China. Although the gift is small, it contains the giver's heart and wishes.In the article, we can provide new ideas for red envelope design, and clarify the application process of Yangcheng's new eight scenic spots elements on the design of red envelopes. It can make the red envelope design more modern and highlight the characteristics of the local city and it will also promote the promotion of Guangzhou's scenic spots and culture to a certain extent. Through design and application, further explore the feasibility of combining modern emerging things with traditional annual product design.

Key Words:New Eight Sights Elements in Guangzhou City; Red Envelope Design; Apply