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单位:中山市龙昱源...     作者:范丰源     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-05-28

摘 要:伴随着人类社会的进步,设计、生产、消费、文化等领域都发生了日新月异的变化。在设计领域尤为突出,人们的生活观念、时空观念受设计的新思想、新形式的出现而不断变化。仿生设计的本质是通过对自然界生物进行利用、加工与再创造。本文以仿生要素在产品设计中的应用为切入点,从形态要素、色彩要素、功能要素和结构要素四方面的仿生加以论述,并结合大自然的生物哲学进行仿生设计。以期为产品设计的思想、原理、方法和途径提供新的方向。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the progress of human society, rapid changes have taken place in the fields of design, production, consumption, and culture. It is particularly prominent in the field of design. People's concept of life and time and space are constantly changing by the emergence of new ideas and new forms of design. The essence of bionic design is to utilize, process and recreate natural creatures. This article takes the application of bionic elements in product design as the starting point, discusses bionics from four aspects of form elements, color elements, functional elements and structural elements, and combines nature's biological philosophy to carry out bionic design. It is expected to provide a new direction for the ideas, principles, methods and approaches of product design.

Key Words:Bionic Design Elements; Product Design; Application