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单位:无锡城市职业...     作者:卢东华     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-06-24

摘 要:当前“课程思政”是教育教学改革的新方向,各高校都在积极推进课程思政建设。本文以艺术设计专业的《中国元素创意设计》课程为例,经过调研分析和阶段性的教学实践,积极探索“思政”元素融入专业教学体系的方法与策略,以期在艺术设计与德育教育之间找到一条行之有效的教学通道。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The current "curriculum ideological and political" is the new direction of education and teaching reform, and all colleges and universities are actively promoting curriculum ideological and political construction. This article takes the "Chinese Element Creative Design" course in the art design major as an example. After investigation and analysis and staged teaching practice, this article actively explores the methods and strategies of integrating "ideological and political" elements into the professional teaching system, with a view to improving art design and moral education. Find an effective teaching channel between.

Key Words:Curriculum ideology; Chinese element creative design; teaching