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单位:重庆外语外事...     作者:吴寒     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-06-24

摘 要:本文以情境交互理念为指导,研究灭火器的智能设计。首先,阐述了情境交互、智能设计有关内容;其次,分析了灭火器的现存问题,以及情境交互理念下的灭火器智能设计意义,分别从提升消防人员对火情的控制程度、提升现代化智慧城市综合防火能力两个层面进行了详细说明;最后,总结归纳了情境交互理念下的灭火器智能设计方法,并结合实践分析进行设计验证。通过本文的研究,以期为情境交互理念下的灭火器智能设计提供一些思路和参考。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This peper is guided by the concept of contextual interaction to study the intelligent design of fire extinguishers. Firstly, it explains the contextual interaction and intelligent design related content; secondly, it analyzes the existing problems of fire extinguishers and the significance of the intelligent design of fire extinguishers under the concept of contextual interaction, from improving the degree of firefighters’ control over fire and improving the comprehensive fire protection of modern smart cities. The two levels of ability are explained in detail; finally, the intelligent design method of fire extinguisher under the concept of situational interaction is summarized, and the design verification is carried out in combination with practical analysis. Through the research of this article, I hope to provide some ideas and references for the intelligent design of fire extinguishers under the concept of situational interaction.

Key Words:Situational interaction; fire extinguisher; intelligent design