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单位:广州商学院  ...     作者:张浩,张雯     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-06-25

摘 要:本文首先以可持续设计理念为指导,从儿童的身心发展角度及其需求出发,对具有代表性的儿童椅品牌进行市场调查,分析椅子在材质、色彩、造型、功能等各方面存在的问题。然后提出基于可持续设计理念的儿童椅设计原则。最后赋予实践,以期满足儿童的成长需求,降低其更换的频率,减少资源的浪费,提高儿童椅的利用率及同类产品的竞争力。


中图分类号:TS664 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In this paper, under the guidance of sustainable design theory, starting from the perspective of children's physical and mental development and their needs, the representative brand of children's chair was investigated in the market, and the problems existing in the material, color, modeling, function and other aspects of the chair were analyzed. Then, the design principle of children's chair based on sustainable design concept is proposed. Finally, the practice is given to meet the growth needs of children, reduce the frequency of replacement, reduce the waste of resources, and improve the utilization rate of children's chairs and the competitiveness of similar products.

Key Words:Sustainable design; Children's chair; Design Principles