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单位:景德镇陶瓷大...     作者:张羽     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-06-25

摘 要:本文以镜面材料为切入点,浅谈如何将其融入传统民居外观设计当中。首先文章分析了镜面材料所具有的特性,然后提出现有传统民居改造存在的问题,并剖析改造案例成功的原因,最后总结归纳出镜面材料在传统民居外观改造设计中的运用思路。以期对传统民居建筑改造提供一定的借鉴。


中图分类号:TU982 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In this paper, the mirror material as a starting point, talk about how to integrate it into the traditional residential appearance design. Firstly, the characteristics of mirror materials are analyzed, then the existing problems in the reconstruction of traditional dwellings are proposed, and the reasons for the successful reconstruction cases are analyzed. Finally, the application ideas of mirror materials in the reconstruction design of traditional dwellings are summarized. In order to provide some reference for the reconstruction of traditional residential buildings.

Key Words:Mirror materials; Traditional Residences; Exterior renovation design