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单位:浙江科技学院     作者:傅丽     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-07-23

摘 要:浙东唐诗之路留下了历代诗人的脚步和诗句,是一条传统文化之路。本文立足旅游产品的开发来弘扬诗路文化。通过对唐诗之路旅游产品开发存在问题的分析,提出遗产廊道视角下的浙东唐诗之路旅游产品开发策略。以期传播优秀的传统文化,为旅游文化产品开发提供一定的借鉴。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The road of Tang poetry in the east of Zhejiang has left behind the footsteps and poems of all generations of poets, which is a road of traditional culture. This paper based on the development of tourism products to carry forward the poetry culture. Based on the analysis of the problems existing in the development of tourism products of the road of tang poetry, this paper puts forward specific strategies for the development of tourism products of the road of tang poetry in eastern zhejiang from the perspective of heritage corridor. It is expected to spread the excellent traditional culture and provide some reference for the development of tourism cultural products.

Key Words:Heritage Corridor; Tang Dynasty Poetry Road in Eastern Zhejiang; Tourist Product; Development