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单位:惠州经济职业...     作者:李海燕     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-07-23

摘 要:客家缠花是客家妇女勤俭聪慧的天性与独特艺术涵养的体现,是海峡两岸最具代表性的民间手工艺之一,同时也是两岸客家同根同源,文化互联互通的见证。但随着客家习俗的简化、人们审美的转变,传统客家缠花工艺面临“人亡技绝”的困境。本文将从传统客家缠花的起源、特色及传统应用、制作工艺、面临的困境及传承策略等方面进行阐述,以期为客家缠花工艺的传承发展提供参考借鉴。

关键词:非物质文化遗产;客家缠花 ; 传承

中图分类号:TS935 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Hakkas wind flowers is the embodiment of Hakka women's industrious, thrifty and intelligent nature and unique artistic self-cultivation.It is one of the most representative folk handicrafts on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. It is also a witness of the same root and cultural interconnection of Hakka people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait. However, with the simplification of Hakka customs and the change of people's aesthetics, the traditional hakkas wind flowers wrapping technology is facing the dilemma of "human death and unique technology". This paper will elaborate the origin, characteristics and traditional application, production technology, difficulties and protection and inheritance Countermeasures of traditional Hakka flower binding, so as to provide reference for the inheritance and development of Hakka flower binding technology on both sides of the Strait.

Key Words:Intangible cultural heritage; Hakkas Wind Flowers; Inheritance