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单位:淮阴工学院设...     作者:顾炎辉,马磊,吴祖安     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-08-25

摘 要:随着我国城市化进程的加快,城市人口持续膨胀,城市的交通拥堵情况愈发严重,公共通勤困难成为现代城市的通病。对于没有取得地铁建设资格的城市来说,BRT是一种性价比较高的的公共客运方式,其投资低、成本低的优势,被认为是解决城市交通堵塞问题的有力解决措施。文章基于BRT站台设计项目的现状,提出系统化创新的解决方案,用模块化设计理念探讨设计方案的可行性,以期为行业内相关设计研究提供一定参考。


中图分类号:U491 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the acceleration of China's urbanization process, urban population continues to expand, urban traffic congestion is becoming more and more serious, and public commuting difficulty has become a common problem in modern cities. For cities without metro construction qualification, BRT is a cost-effective way of public passenger transport, with the advantages of low investment and low cost, which is considered as a powerful solution to solve the problem of urban traffic congestion. Based on the current situation of BRT platform design project, this paper puts forward systematic innovative solutions, discusses the feasibility of the design scheme with modular design concept, and provides constructive reference for relevant design research in the industry.

Key Words:BRT; Modular platform; Platform Office