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单位:南京审计大学...     作者:陈菁菁     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-09-29

摘 要:美育作用于人的心理,其基本价值在于满足和提高人的审美需求,并最终促进个体的全面发展。文章从高校美育类的通识课程教学出发,首先阐述了美育类的通识课程,其次分析了高校美育类通识课程的现存问题,最后针对问题提出了相应的改革策略。以期全面提升高校学生的人文艺术素养,为高校美育课程的建设发展提供一些思路。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Aesthetic education acts on people's psychology, and its basic value is to meet and improve people's aesthetic needs, and ultimately promote the overall development of individuals. Starting from the teaching of general education courses of aesthetic education in colleges and universities, the article first elaborates the general education courses of aesthetic education, then analyzes the existing problems of college aesthetic education general courses, and finally puts forward corresponding reform strategies for the problems. In order to comprehensively improve the humanities and artistic literacy of college students, provide some ideas for the development of college aesthetic education curriculum construction.

Key Words:colleges and universities; general courses of aesthetic education; The Curriculum Reform