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单位:黄淮学院     作者:许碧薇     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-09-29

摘 要:信息传播形式的不断更新,使得社会对高校平面设计专业人才的需求不断改变,传统的教学模式也在新时代的要求下变得逐渐滞后。文章提出“以赛促学”的教学模式,利用国际权威专业赛项作为培养学生专业能力的导向,在此教学模式之下,教师可以通过教学目标的调整和教学内容的优化,实现高校平面设计专业人才输出,更好地与社会需求相匹配。


中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The continuous updating of the form of information dissemination has caused the society's demand for graphic design professionals in colleges and universities to continuously change, and the traditional teaching mode has gradually become lagging behind the requirements of the new era. The article proposes a teaching model of "promoting learning by competition", using international authoritative professional competitions as a guide for cultivating students' professional abilities. Under this teaching model, teachers can adjust teaching goals and optimize teaching content to achieve graphic design in colleges and universities. The output of professional talents better matches the needs of society.

Key Words: Graphic design; Competition for learning; Teaching; mode; Method