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单位:长春工业大学     作者:刘桂华,逯仪菡     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-09-29

摘 要:文章以动画场景中色调所表达的不同视觉效果为出发点进行全文的研究。首先,阐述了色彩中色调的含义;其次,从烘托气氛、衬托角色、展示时间、展示地域特色和文化背景四个方面来分析动画场景中色调的作用;最后辅以《罗小黑战记》案例进行阐述。通过分析动画场景中色调对观众观影情绪和心理活动的影响,以期明晰色调对动画影片艺术风格塑造所起的作用。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The article takes the different visual effects expressed by the tones in the animation scene as the starting point for the full text research. Firstly, it explains the meaning of tones in color; secondly, analyzes the role of tones in the animation scene from four aspects: setting off the atmosphere, setting off the role, display time, display regional characteristics and cultural background, and finally supplemented by "Luo Xiaohei's War" The case is explained. Through the analysis of the effect of the color tone in the animation scene on the audience's mood and psychological activities, in order to clarify the role of the color tone in shaping the artistic style of the animation film.

Key Words:Animation; Animation scene; Hue; Effect; "The Legend of Hei"