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单位:辽宁科技大学     作者:郝子硕,赵艳     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-09-29

摘 要:文章以网络社群为研究对象,探究如何进行其互动设计。首先,阐述了网络社群的演变历程和其发展模式以及互动设计相关内容;其次,阐明网络社群的互动设计价值;最后,以用户需求为中心挖掘出网络社群的互动设计原则,其目的是为了增强互动设计的用户体验。通过研究,以期为相关设计提供一定的借鉴。


中图分类号:TP37 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The article takes the network community as the research object and explores how to carry out its interactive design. First, it expounds the interactive design related content, as well as the evolution of the network community and its development model; secondly, it clarifies the value of the interactive design of the network community; finally, it digs out the interactive design principles of the network community based on user needs. The purpose is to enhance the user experience of interactive design. Through research, we hope to provide some reference for related design.

Key Words:Network community; interactive design; principle