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单位:太原理工大学...     作者:续庆慧,郭晨曦     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-09-29

摘 要:“五福”文化是我国传统吉祥文化的代表性符号,“五福”文化的创意设计对于弘扬传统文化、打造民族文化品牌、提升人们审美情趣有着重要意义。基于符号学的理论视野,立足“五福”文化的基本内涵,提出“融入民众日常需求”“延伸文化内涵”“体现审美意蕴”的创意设计思路。通过文章的研究,以期为创造具有鲜明民族风格且引领时尚的文化创意设计提供可以借鉴的范例。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The "Five Blessings" culture is a representative symbol of my country's traditional auspicious culture. The creative design of the "Five Blessings" culture is of great significance for promoting traditional culture, building national cultural brands, and enhancing people's aesthetic appeal. Based on the theoretical vision of semiotics and based on the basic connotation of the "five blessings" culture, the creative design ideas that "melt into the daily needs of the people" and "extend the cultural connotation" embody aesthetic connotations are proposed. Through the research of the article, we hope to provide a model that can be used for reference for creating a cultural and creative design with a distinctive national style and leading fashion.

Key Words:Semiotics; Five Blessings; Cultural and Creative Design