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单位:广东工业大学     作者:张宇琦,黄华明     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-11-23

摘 要:中国漏窗在现代环境设计中具有空间美学价值及地域文化价值。文章首先阐述了中国漏窗相关内容;其次探讨了中国漏窗在现代环境设计中的应用意义;最后通过元素相碰撞、场所的异置、抽象基本型、纹样图腾化等设计手法,提出了在现代环境设计中将中国漏窗进行创新应用的方法。通过本文的研究,以期为当下环境设计“同质化”的问题提出新路径。


中图分类号:TU9724.12 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Chinese traditional window with landscape has spacial aesthetic value and regional cultural value in modern environmental design. The paper introduces the content of Chinese traditional window with landscape and discusses the application meaning of Chinese traditional window with landscape in modern environmental design firstly and puts forward the method of creative application for Chinese traditional window with landscape through the elements collision, the different placement, the abstract basic type, the pattern totemization and other design techniques in modern environmental design. Through the research of this paper, it puts forward a new path for the problem of "homogenization" of current environmental design.

Key Words:Ornamental Perforated Windows; Environmental design; Application; Method