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单位:陕西科技大学...     作者:关瑛,张新萌,张艺卓     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-11-23

摘 要:中国已经逐渐步入老龄化社会,为了方便老年人的日常出行,解决老年人地铁出行所遇到的问题。文章首先根据老年人的心理特征、生理特征及需求三个方面进行分析;其次进行深入的调研访谈,深挖老年人用户的痛点;最后通过一系列的分析与思考,并借助科技手段,设计一款方便实用的导航产品,使之符合老年人的认知体验,更好地方便老年人出行。通过文章的研究,以期为老年人导航产品的设计提供多方面的参考和研究,为老年人的出行提供方便、直观的导航信息,以减少老年人地铁出行的压力。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:China has gradually entered an aging society. In order to facilitate the daily travel of the elderly and solve the problems encountered by the elderly in subway travel. Firstly, the article analyzes the elderly from three aspects: psychological characteristics, physiological characteristics and needs; Then conduct in-depth research and interviews to dig deep into the pain points of elderly users; Finally, through a series of analysis and thinking, and with the help of scientific and technological means, a convenient and practical navigation product is designed to make it consistent with the cognitive experience of the elderly and better facilitate the travel of the elderly. Provide various references and research for the design of navigation products for the elderly, and provide convenient and intuitive navigation information for the travel of the elderly, so as to reduce the pressure of subway travel for the elderly.

Key Words:the elderly; metro traveling; Navigation; Product design