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单位:吉林建筑大学...     作者:苑宏刚,陈仲星,孙楠楠     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2021-11-23

摘 要:文体类公共建筑设计由于需要兼具多种不同功能,因而需要进行大体量、大空间的设计,这使得文体类公共建筑容易出现结构超长、平面不规则以及连层柱等设计问题。文章立足于设计层面,从设计现状、设计方法以及设计实践三个方面对文体活动中心的标准空间、非标准空间以及介质空间等空间布局进行调整,对其进行优化。以期为文体活动中心空间布局的进一步发展提供一定的理论依据。


中图分类号:TU242 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Because the design of stylistic public buildings needs to have a variety of different functions, it usually needs to design large volume and large space, which makes stylistic public buildings prone to design problems such as super long structure, irregular plane and connecting columns. Therefore, based on the design level, this study adjusts the spatial layout of the standard space, non-standard space and media space of the cultural and sports activity center from the three aspects of design status, design methods and design scheme, so as to optimize it, and provide a certain theoretical basis for the further development of the spatial layout of the cultural and sports activity center.

Key Words:art-sports activity centers; spatial layout; optimization