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单位:洛阳理工学院     作者:李倩雯     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-05-24

摘 要:为提高数字媒体艺术专业人才培养质量,配合教育技术发展趋势,达到提升课程教学效率的目的,文章以《数字媒体界面设计》课程为研究对象,探究其基于混合式教学模式的课程改革可能性。文章首先对混合式教学模式及其特点进行了概述;其次以课程现状为着力点,对课程改革的意义以及思路进行了分析与探讨;最后从教学模块、教学环节与评价体系三个方面,设计了课程改革的方法。通过文章研究,以期解决现有教学问题,为数字媒体艺术专业其它课程改革提供参考。


中图分类号:G642 文献标识码:A


Abstract:In line with the trend of educational technology development, achieve the purpose of improve the cultivation quality of the major of digital media art and the teaching efficiency, this paper explores the course reform and practice of Digital Media Interface Design in the Blending Leaning Mode. This paper first summarizes the hybrid teaching mode and its characteristics, then analyzes and discusses the significance and ideas of the course reform by focusing on the current situation of the curriculum, and finally designs the methods of the course reform from three aspects of teaching modules, teaching links and evaluation system.Through the study, in order to solve the existing problems of teaching, and provide a reference for other digital media art professional course reform.

Key Words: Hybrid Teaching; Digital Media Interface Design; Reform; Ideas; Methods