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单位:浙江农林大学     作者:鲁文莉,陈思宇     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-05-24

摘 要:畲族作为少数民族中不可忽视的一个分支,历史文化沉淀丰富,其中畲族银饰是畲族文化载体之一,而畲族银饰纹样因其较高的艺术特色和文化特色,极具研究价值。文章对畲族银饰纹样的题材、构图形式、寓意进行系统分析,阐述了畲族银饰纹样在文化创意产品中的应用意义,并总结出其在文化创意产品中的应用原则。通过文章的研究,以期推动畲族银饰纹样的传承与发展。


中图分类号:J524 文献标识码:A


Abstract:As a branch of the ethnic minorities that cannot be ignored, the She nationality has a rich historical and cultural heritage. Among them, the She nationality silver ornaments are the carrier of She nationality culture. The She nationality silver ornaments patterns are of great research value due to their higher artistic value and cultural characteristics. The article systematically analyzes the subject matter, composition form, and meaning of the She nationality silver decoration patterns, expounds the application significance of the She nationality silver decoration patterns in cultural creative products, and summarize its application principles in cultural and creative products. Through the research of the article, it is expected to promote the inheritance and development of the silver ornaments of the She nationality.

Key Words:She nationality silverware; Patterns; Cultural creativity; Product; Application