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单位:中国矿业大学     作者:郝海燕     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-05-24

摘 要:鼓浪屿是一个具有突出文化多样性和现代生活品质的历史国际社区。然而在城市快速发展的背景下不稳定因素逐渐增多,在面对突发事件、商业旅游开发及文化保护等问题时,传统的场所空间因此受到了破坏。因此,文章以韧性理论为视角,从文化韧性、经济韧性、社会韧性、环境韧性四个维度,对内厝澳片区空间的外部影响因素与内部系统脆弱性进行剖析,以期为类似旧城区的更新提供有价值的参考。


中图分类号:TU984 文献标识码:A


Abstract:Gulangyu is a historic international community with outstanding cultural diversity and modern quality of life. However, in the context of rapid urban development, unstable factors are gradually increasing. In the face of emergencies, commercial tourism development and cultural protection, the traditional venue space has been destroyed. Therefore, from the perspective of resilience theory, this article analyzes the external influencing factors and internal system vulnerability of the Neicuoao area from four dimensions: cultural resilience, economic resilience, social resilience, and environmental resilience, with a view to promoting the renewal of similar old urban areas. Provide valuable references.

Key Words:Resilience Theory; Cuo Ao Area in Gulangyu Island ; Protection; Renewal