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浅析交互公共艺术介入地铁空间设计 ——以武汉首义路地铁站站厅层为例

单位:武汉设计工程学院     作者:叶燊,廖仲文     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-05-24

摘 要:随着城市的经济发展,轨道交通的发展越来越完善,地铁公共艺术空间的发展,提升了城市的整体形象,传统的艺术空间由于样式固定单一、年久失修等原因,已经无法引起人们的关注,也无法给人们带来新的视觉感受。因此,文章通过交互性艺术设计在地铁公共空间中的运用,进行跨学科的融合,研究新媒体、数字化在地铁公共空间的运用,结合空间环境、地域文化和人的行为模式相关特征,使人们在地铁使用过程中,有不同的空间体验感及新的视听感受。新媒体背景下地铁站内交互性公共艺术空间的设计,可从改善站内乘客的体验感受、改善通道空间压抑感,以及增加站厅层空间丰富性和互动性等有效方式进行,从而促进人与城市的互动与交流及“智慧型城市”的发展。


中图分类号:TU921 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the development of urban economy, the development of rail transit is more and more perfect, the development of subway public art space, enhance the overall image of the city, traditional art space because of the style fixed single, old and in disrepair and other reasons, has been unable to attract people's attention, can not give people a new visual feeling.Therefore, through the use of interactive art design in the subway public space, interdisciplinary integration, research on the use of new media, digital in the subway public space, combined with the spatial environment, regional culture and human behavior patterns related characteristics, so that people in the subway use process, there are different sense of space experience and new audio-visual feelings. Under the background of new media, the design of interactive public art space in subway station can be carried out in effective ways such as improving passengers' experience and feeling of passage space oppression, and increasing the space richness and interactivity of station hall floor, so as to promote the interaction and communication between people and the city and promote the development of smart city.

Key Words:Subway Station Hall Floor; Swap space; Urban culture