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单位:大连交通大学     作者:柴巾媛,单阳     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-11-28

摘 要:随着孩童陪伴和家庭教育的问题日益凸显,儿童教育机器人成为机器人行业的重要发展领域。由于儿童调研难度高、不确定性大,大多数教育机器人的设计都是依据成人设计师的设想及购买者需求而定,没有充分关注儿童自身认知发展需要。文章基于皮亚杰的认知发展理论及现代认知心理学中信息加工理论,梳理儿童认知特点和认知规律,精炼理论方法与实际案例,提出儿童教育机器人设计原则,为儿童教育机器人设计方向提供有效的理论支撑。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:With the increasingly prominent problems of children's companionship and family education, children's educational robot has become an important development field of robot industry. Due to the difficulty and uncertainty of children's research, the design of most educational robots is based on the assumptions of adult designers and the needs of buyers, without paying enough attention to children's own cognitive development needs. Based on Piaget's cognitive development theory and information processing theory in modern cognitive psychology, this paper sorts out children's cognitive characteristics and laws, refines theoretical methods and practical cases, and puts forward the design principles of children's educational robot, which provides effective theoretical support for the design direction of children's educational robot.

Key Words:Product Design; Cognitive Development Theory; Children; Educational Robot