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单位:东北农业大学...     作者:李佳,杜冰,张杰     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-12-26

摘 要:文章聚焦煤改电政策实施后的乡村聚落生活空间,通过田野调查及问卷访谈等方式,总结山西省太原市小娄峰村村民的传统生活行为模式在煤改电应用后发生的变化,并从时间效率、活动类型、心理需求三方面进行分析。利用观察、问卷访谈等方式对已完成与未完成“煤改电”的聚落生活空间进行要素识别,相对应地从“行为—空间”的视角建立起生活空间的形式、结构、环境质量的改变,以及乡村聚落整体风貌的变化与能源改革动因之间的关系,进一步总结能源改革影响下乡村聚落生活空间的变化特征,以期探析从美丽乡村到乡村振兴的建设路径。


中图分类号:TU241 文献标识码:A


Abstract:The article focuses on the living space of rural settlements after the policy of "coal-to-electricity". Through the methods of field research and questionnaire, it summarizes the villager's behavior changes after the policy in Xiaoloufeng Village, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province. It analyzed the phenomenon by time efficiency, activity type, and psychology. The research also uses observation, questionnaire interviews, and other methods to identify the elements of the living space where completed and unfinished "coal-to-electricity" policies are. Thus establish the relationship between environmental quality living space changes, appearance of rural settlements, and energy reform policy by the perspective of "behavior-space". Further to summarize the characteristics of the living space of rural settlements with the background of energy policy reforms, in order to explore the path from the "construction beautiful countryside" to "rural revitalization".

Key Words:Coal to Electricity; Rural Living Space; Space Evolution