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单位:青岛理工大学     作者:焦丽,刘春媛     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2022-12-27

摘 要:文章以木版年画中的人物类年画为主要研究对象,对传统木版年画中人物的刻画风格、造型比例以及面部细节进行对比分析。首先,研究各地域特色并针对不同地域特色影响下的人物风格进行对比分析;其次,总结归纳出年画中的人物种类并针对不同人物的造型比例进行对比分析;最后,通过线条提取、细节对比等方法针对人物的面部细节进行对比分析。通过文章研究,得出传统木版年画中人物形象绘制的程式化语言,期望对后续有关人物形象的研究起到一定的借鉴作用。


中图分类号:J528 文献标识码:A


Abstract:This article takes the New Year pictures of characters in New Year wood-block prints as the main research object, and makes a comparative analysis of the portrayal style, modeling proportion and facial details of characters in traditional New Year wood-block prints. First of all, it studies the regional characteristics and makes a comparative analysis of the character styles under the influence of different regional characteristics; Secondly, the types of characters in the New Year pictures are summarized and compared according to the proportions of different characters; Finally, through the methods of line extraction and detail contrast, we compare and analyze the facial details of the characters. Through the research of the article, we can draw the stylized language of the figure drawing in the traditional woodcut New Year pictures, hoping to play a certain reference role in the follow-up research on the figure.

Key Words:New Year wood-block prints; Character Modeling; Programmatic; Contrast