摘 要:深化高校创新创业教育改革,培养“双创”型人才是我国高校需要承担的任务,也是提升教学质量的重要途径。在课程教学中引入“双创”理念进行改革具有重要意义。文章首先分析了创新创业背景下环境设计专业“毕业设计”课程教学存在的问题。其次融入“双创”理念对“毕业设计”课程进行改革与实践,提出该门课程在毕业设计选题、师资队伍、考核方式、毕业设计成果等方面改革的思路,以提高环境设计专业的教学质量,适应当前的产业结构升级和创新创业浪潮,并为相关院校设计类专业开展创新创业教育教学改革提供理论与实践参考。
中图分类号:G64 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7053(2023)08-0099-04
基金项目:教育部高等教育司2022 年第一批产学合作协同育人项目《“四新”背景下互联网+战略性新兴双创产业学院的建设研究与实践》(220605875130851);2022年度柳州工学院创新创业教育专项课题项目《基于创新创业教育理念的环境设计专业毕业设计教学改革研究与实践》(2022ZCLL21)的研究成果
Abstract: Deepening the reform of innovation and entrepreneurship education in universities and cultivating "double innovation" talents is a mission that Chinese universities must undertake and an important way to improve teaching quality. It is of great significance to introduce the concept of "double creation" in curriculum teaching. This paper analyzes the problems existing in the teaching of "graduation design" course of environmental design major under the background of innovation and entrepreneurship. In order to improve the teaching quality of environmental design and adapt to the current wave of industrial structure upgrading and innovation and entrepreneurship, the reform and practice of the course of "graduation design" are put forward by integrating the educational concept of "mass innovation" and putting forward the reform ideas of this course in the aspects of graduation design topic selection, teaching staff, assessment methods, exhibition and transformation of graduation design results. It also provides theoretical and practical reference for the innovation and entrepreneurship education reform of design majors in relevant colleges and universities.
Key Words:"Double Innovation"Concept; Graduation Design; Environmental Design