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单位:1.北京理工大...     作者:童立敏,施炳轩,陈心怡     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2023-05-04

摘 要:文章提出了一种基于用户体验的垃圾分类和儿童玩具相结合的方法,使儿童垃圾分类教育能够满足儿童生理和心理需求。通过市场调查,分析已面世产品的优缺利弊,了解儿童及家长对于垃圾分类玩具的各项需求,总结出三个主要目标。从用户体验的三个层级制定设计策略,运用产品设计方法,展开设计流程,设计出寓教于乐的儿童垃圾分类玩具,为垃圾分类和儿童玩具的结合提供了新的设计思路。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A


Abstract:A user-experience-based method of combining garbage sorting with children's toys has been proposed, so that children's garbage sorting education can meet children's physical and psychological needs. Through market research, analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the products that have been launched, understanding the needs of users for garbage sorting toys, three main goals have been summarized. To design children's garbage sorting toys that combines education with recreation, design strategies are formulated based on three levels of user experience, product design methods are used, and design processes are expanded, which providing new design ideas for the combination of garbage sorting and children's toys.

Key Words:Product Design; User Experience; Garbage Sorting; Children's Toys; Toy Design